Last updated: July 12, 2023
We apply these Content Guidelines to moderate Branded Content and creatives (eg. images, videos, calls-to-action) and detect whether they contain prohibited content (such as adult content, offensive content, commercial text, children, weapons...).
Remember to always follow the law when offering to sell or buy other regulated goods. is not a place to support or praise terrorism, organised crime or hate groups. Offering sexual services, buying or selling firearms, alcohol and tobacco products between private individuals, and buying or selling non-medical or pharmaceutical drugs are also not allowed. We also remove content that attempts to trade, co-ordinate the trade of, donate, gift or ask for non-medical drugs, as well as content that either admits to personal use (unless in the recovery context) or coordinates or promotes the use of non-medical drugs. also prohibits the sale of live animals between private individuals, although brick-and-mortar shops may offer these sales. No one may coordinate poaching or selling of endangered species or their parts.
We use automated checks against a broad set of models to moderate content on A Model is a filter that will look for a specific type of content in your Image, Video or Text. For instance, Nudity is a model that has been trained to look for any adult content, racy content, suggestive content and specifically flags scenes ranging from explicit to mild nudity.
All creatives are automatically tested against the following main (and other) models:
Nudity and adult content
Offensive and hate signals
Alcoholic beverages
Recreational and medical drugs
Graphic violence & gore
Smoking and tabacco products
The following is a list of explicitly prohibited content. This list may be subject to change at any time. When in doubt, matters are decided on a case-by-case basis.
We do not allow actual or simulated sexual activity with exposed nudity, explicit exposure of genitals/sexual organs, but not involved in sexual activity, exposure of breasts, nude buttocks or the pubic region but not of sexual organs and women wearing lingerie, wearing visible bras (the cup has to be visible, and sports bras are excluded), or wearing visible underwear, panties or thongs.
We do not allow strong gestures of hate (eg. middle finger), all symbols of Nazi and/or White Supremacy mindsets (eg. swastikas, SS bolts, iron crosses, KKK symbolism, the confederate flag) and all symbols of terrorism (eg. ISIS flag).
We do not allow the display of weapons (eg. for gun sales, posing with weapons) outside of a fictional context.
We do not allow the display of alcoholic beverages (eg. for beer, wine, etc.) outside of a fictional context.
We do not allow the display of drugs (also medical or recreational drugs like cannabis) outside of a fictional context.
We do not allow horrific imagery (eg. blood, guts, self-harm, wounds, human skulls) outside of a fictional context.
We do not allow teh display of smoking and vaping (eg. cigarettes, cigarette packs, cigars, pipes, etc.) outside of a fictional context.
In general we do not allow the display of celebrities (eg. movie & music stars, content creators). In case you are authorized to work with celebrity imagery please contact our support.
In general we do not allow the display of minors (eg. babies, children under 18). In case you are authorized to work with imagery of minors please contact our support.
You may not publish other people's private information (such as home phone number and address).